My family and I moved to Anchorage four months ago at the start of summer. We were eager to go bike riding after living in a location that was not quite so conducive to family biking. We spent numerous hours researching and debating whether a trailer, front mounted seat, or back mounted seat would work best for our two year old and next child (when appropriate). During this search, we came upon the Weehoo two bike trailer. We loved the idea that our son could be active or passive in his role of bike rider and be a part of the experience.
We quickly learned with Alaska weather we would want some protection against the elements so we purchased the Weehoo all weather shell. We love the sun protection it provides. Alaskan summers may be chilly compared to the subtropical climate we came from, however, the sun shines intensely here and can make a cool 65 degrees feel like 90 with ease. We feel more comfortable that the all weather shell adds a layer of protection for our pale skinned kiddo.

Alaska seems to also have many rainy days, so if you want to get out and enjoy the beauty of Alaska, you may have to be willing to endure some rain especially with threatening clouds looming in the valley. The rain shell is quick and easy to put on and still makes bike riding an enjoyable experience for our son.
I love that we can bike ride as a family and enjoy the vast beautiful mountains all around us. Alaska has so much to offer and we can safely navigate all sorts of paths with the Weehoo bike trailer and all weather shell. Our son stays warm and dry with great visibility too where he loves to point out flowers and mushrooms. And the sturdiness of the trailer provides additional peace of mind as we ride by a hidden moose or two!
Abigail B
Anchorage, AK